Recent Arctic Plant Publications, Presentations and Posters from the Canadian Museum of Nature


Saarela, J.M., Sokoloff, P.C., Gillespie, L.J., Consaul, L.L. & Bull, R.D.  2013.  DNA Barcoding the Canadian Arctic Flora: Core Plastid Barcodes (rbcL + matK) for 490 Vascular Plant Species.  PLOS One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077982.

Saarela, J.M., Gillespie, L.J., Consaul, L.L. & Bull, R.D.  2013.  Annotated checklist to the vascular plant flora of Tuktut Nogait National Park and the Melville Hills region (Canadian Low Arctic). Phytotaxa 102 (1): 1-177.

Saarela, J.M., Gillespie, L.J., Consaul, L.L. & Bull, R.D. 2012. Balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera; Salicaceae) beyond the treeline in the western Canadian mainland Arctic (Northwest Territories). Arctic 65: 1-12.

Le Clerc-Blain, J, JR Starr, RD Bull, and JM Saarela. 2010. DNA barcoding Carex and Kobresia (Cyperaceae, Cariceae) in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: a regional approach to barcoding plants.  Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 69-91. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02725.x

Consaul LL, Gillespie LJ, and Waterway MJ. 2010. Evolution and polyploid origins in North American Arctic Puccinellia (Poaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal spacer and chloroplast DNA sequences. American Journal of Botany 97: 324-336. doi:10.3732/ajb.0900180

Consaul LL, Gillespie LJ, and Waterway MJ (2010) Polyploid speciation and evolution in Arctic Puccinellia (Poaceae: Puccinellinae) - a review. In: Seberg O, Petersen G, Barfod AS, Davis JI (Eds) Diversity, phylogeny, and evolution in the monocotyledons. Aarhus University Press, Aaruhus, pp. 645-662.

Alsos, IG, Gillespie, LJ, and Marusik, YM. 2009. Arctic Islands, Biology pp 47-55 In Gillespie, R. and Clague, D. (eds.), Encyclopedia of IslandsUniversity of California Press, Berkeley CA. 

Puccinellia vahliana, Axel Heiberg Island, between McGill High Arctic Research camp and Ermine Camp, 79°25.89'N 90°43.41'W, 8 Aug 2003, L.L. Consaul & K. Faubert 2881 (CAN)

Consaul, LL, Gillespie, LJ, and Waterway, MJ. 2008. A new species of alkaligrass (Puccinellia, Poaceae) from the Western North American ArcticNovon 18: 16-20. doi: 10.3417/2007029

Consaul, LL, Gillespie, LJ, and Waterway, MJ. 2008. Systematics of three North American polyploid Arctic alkaligrasses (Puccinellia, Poaceae): Morphology, ploidy, and AFLP markers. Botany 86: 916-937. doi:10.1139/B08-073

Consaul, LL, Gillespie, LJ, and Waterway, MJ.  2008. Systematics of North American Arctic diploid Puccinellia (Poaceae): Morphology, DNA content, and AFLP markers. Systematic Botany 33: 251-261. doi: 10.1600/036364408784571662

Conference Presentations

Saarela, JM.  2013.  Botanical exploration of the Soper River: Plant discoveries in the Canadian Arctic.  Canadian Science Writers Annual Conference, 6-9 June 2013, Montreal, QC.  View the presentation.

Gillespie, LJ, PC Sokoloff, JM Saarela, RD Bull.  2013.  Botanical exploration of the Soper River: Plant discoveries in the Canadian Arctic.  Canadian Botanical Association Annual Meeting, 1-5 June 2013, Kamloops, BC. Read the abstract.  View the presentation.

Saarela, JM, LJ Gillespie, LL Consaul, RD Bull, BN Chouinard, P Abraham, JR Starr.  2010.  DNA barcoding the vascular plant flora of the Canadian Arctic. Botany 2010, Providence, Rhode Island, 1-5 August 2010 & 2010 SPNHC-CBA Joint Conference, Ottawa, ON, 31 May–5 June 2010.  Read the abstract.  View the presentation.

Gillespie, LJ, JM Saarela, LL Consaul, RD Bull. 2010. Plant collecting by canoe: botanical explorations of Tuktut Nogait National Park and vicinity, Northwest Territories. 2010 SPNHC-CBA Joint Conference, Ottawa, ON, 31 May – 5 June 2010.  Read the abstract.  View the presentation.

Saarela, JM, LJ Gillespie, LL Consaul, RD Bull. 2009. Botany under the midnight sun: floristic discoveries on Victoria Island (Nunavut) in the Canadian Arctic ArchipelagoBotany and Mycology 2009, Snowbird, Utah, 25-29 July.  Read the abstract.  View the presentation.

Le Clerc-Blain, J, JM Saarela and JR Starr.  Barcoding sedges (Carex and Kobresia; Cyperaceae) of the Canadian Arctic ArchipelagoBotany 2008, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 26–30 July 2008. Read the abstract.


Saarela, JM, LJ Gillespie, LL Consaul, PC Sokoloff, RD Bull.  2013. New and noteworthy monocot records from the Canadian low Arctic.  MONOCOTS V: 5th International Conference on Comparative Biology of Monocotyledons, New York, New York, 7-13 July 2013.  Read the abstract.  View the poster.

Saarela, JM, LJ Gillespie, LL Consaul, RD Bull. 2011. New floristic discoveries and biodiversity of the western Canadian Arctic vascular plant flora. International Botanical Congress 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 17-29 July 2011. [e-poster] Read the abstract. View the e-poster.

Saarela, JM, LJ Gillespie, LL Consaul, JR Starr, RD Bull, PC Sokoloff.  2011.  DNA barcoding the vascular plant flora of the Canadian Arctic. International Botanical Congress 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 17-29 July 2011. [e-poster] Read the abstract. View the e-poster.

Consaul, LL, JM Saarela, LJ Gillespie, RD Bull. 2010.  Vascular plant diversity in Canada’s southern Arctic: new baseline data and significant floristic discoveries in Tuktut Nogait National Park and vicinity, Northwest Territories. Botany 2010, Providence, Rhode Island, 1-5 August 2010, & 2010 SPNHC-CBA Joint Conference, Ottawa, ON, 31 May – 5 June 2010. Read the abstract. View the poster.

Consaul LL, Ip MA, Catling PM, Kudluarok S, Tookalook LM, Doubleday NC.  2010.  Native orchids as bioindicators in the Southern Arctic.  2010 SPNHC-CBA/ABC Joint Conference, Ottawa, ON, 31 May - 5 June 2010.  Read the abstract.

Abraham, P, BN Chouinard, JM Saarela, JR Starr. 2010. Plant DNA barcodes correctly identify all field collections of Carex and Kobresia (Cyperaceae) from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 2010 SPNHC-CBA Joint Conference, Ottawa, ON, 31 May – 5 June 2010. Read the abstract.

Consaul, LL, JM Saarela, RD Bull, LJ Gillespie. 2009.  Baseline botanical data and new discoveries on Victoria Island, Nunavut, Canada.  Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) Conference 2009. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Read the abstractView the poster.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith