Parks Canada Western Field Unit Herbarium

The Parks Canada Herbarium at their Inuvik Field Office.  Right: Lynn Gillespie discusses the herbarium with a Parks Canada staff member.  Left:  Lynn Gillespie and Laurie Consaul examine the contests of the Parks Canada herbarium.  Both images courtesy of Jeffery M. Saarela.

The Parks Canada Western Arctic Field Unit stewards Aulavik, Ivvavik, Tuktut Nogait and Vuntut National Parks from their offices in Inuvik, Northwest Territories.  Conducting field research and ecological monitoring throughout all the western Arctic Parks, Parks staff have ammassed a small internal herbarium with collections dating back over 20 years. During the 2009 field season, botanists from the Canadian Museum of Nature visited and digitized a portion of this collection (185 unique collections) in preparation for an expedition into Tuktut Nogait National Park.  We have assigned the informal herbarium acronym "pcwfu" to this collections, and with the permission of Parks Canada, we have posted this data to our Scratchpad.

To access individual specimens, navigate to a Taxon Page using the classification pane in the left-hand panel. This will display all specimens for that taxon in an interactive table.  An annotated list of all specimens uploaded can be found here.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith